This year marks the tenth annual Purim play at Ner Tamid Temple in Bloomfield. Each year, community children and their parents perform a light-hearted parody of the Purim story, written to the tunes of modern musical numbers. This show features 40 performers from grade school up to the age of 70. Director, Brian Reilly, writes the lyrics and Debbie, his wife, comes up with the show’s choreography. Other members of the temple help with writing and production of the play, too.
Bill and Debbie recreate a 2,500 year old story with an ageless message, telling individuals to take action to save the people around them, using familiar songs and humor. This year’s show highlights the best of past productions and includes melodies by the Beatles, Elvis Presley, Cole Porter and Gilbert & Sullivan. Queen Esther wins a beauty contest by performing a Motown favorite, My Guy, (‘My Goy’) and singing the praises of the King. Esther risks her own life in order to save the Jews of Persia (but don’t worry, it comes out alright in the end.)
The show will be open to the public on Saturday, March 11 at 7pm. Temple Ner Tamid, 936 Broad St., Bloomfield, NJ. Telephone for information at 973.338.1500. A $5 donation is requested. The show will also be performed at two local nursing homes, on Tuesday and Thursday, March 7th & 9th for the benefit of the residents. Come and hear some old favorites, as you’ve never heard them before!
March 6, 2006