In case you hadn't heard, tonight (Wednesday, October 5) is Dine for American night, a fundraiser for victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Various restaurants across the country have teamed up to participate, and you can do your part to help - by going out to dinner, something we all love to do.
If you're interested, check out this page for the listings for the whole state of New Jersey. In Bloomfield, Friendly's on Broad Street is participating, and in Montclair, Blu is in on the action. However, lots of other restaurants in outer Baristaville and beyond are involved, so there's probably something that meet's your palate's needs!
So before heading over to the Montclair Museum's talk with Tom Otterness (7pm) or catching Lost on ABC (9pm), get your chow on.
October 5, 2005