July 22
...serving up your daily dish.
Stay up late in front of the computer to download porn help charity? Apparently, there is such a thing. And more virtuous folks than us (a.k.a. Cootiehog) plan to burn the midnight oil and then some. Jaynee wonders how she will do it...
I've decided to participate in this year's Blogathon. It's a commitment by bloggers all over the world to post to their blog every 30 minutes for 24 hours to raise money for charity. Sponsors donate money to those commited to posting every 30/24. I did it a couple years ago with some success (about $250 in donations). Can I do an all-nighter again? Maybe I'll hook up the DVD player and watch Buffy and Alias and Angel episodes. This year's charity is Heifer International. Your money goes directly to buy specific things that needy countries require - whether you buy a cow to help provide milk or wheat to help provide food.
I'd love for the folks of Baristaville to sponsor me. Whether you pony up $1, $5, $20 or $100 - all of it goes to Heifer. Once the Blogathon is over, you're asked to go DIRECTLY to Heifer to give your money. So click here and sign up to sponsor me and support Heifer International - no money up front. I've also decided that for ever $5 in sponsorships that I receive I will donate a can of cat/dog food to the Bloomfield Animal Shelter that services Bloomfield, Glen Ridge and Nutley. So your donation will help TWO charities!
On Saturday, August 6th at 9:00 AM EST I will begin my 24-hour stint as a raving lunatic deprived of way too much sleep. Can't wait!
Neither can we -- yo go, girl! And if anyone wants to sponsor, err, their other favorite charity, there's always this.
July 22, 2005 in Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (6)