April 30
...serving up your daily dish.
After trying unsuccessfully to post this on the Watercooler (come now, you really didn't think this would fly, did you?) Baristanet reader Bill asked us to run the following poll:
April 30, 2006 in The Sunday Barista Poll | Permalink | Comments (154)

June 26
...serving up your daily dish.
In July, Baristaville is getting a new business called Fume. The establishment has nothing to do with Bloomfield High School; it's a new cigar store/lounge opening on Bloomfield Ave. in downtown Montclair, flanked by a tattoo parlor and nail salon. Talk about your day of beauty.
June 26, 2005 in The Sunday Barista Poll | Permalink | Comments (16)

September 26
...serving up your daily dish.

It has come to our attention that the restaurant and shopping district on Walnut Street in Montclair is being called (well by some people) WOHO ... as in SOHO. Nevermind that SOHO stands for South of Houston, and WOHO stands for West of .... um.... Nevermind. WOHO has that urban-chic all-cap SOHO TRIBECA DUMBO cache.
Why that's even more pretentious than calling an online magazine Barista! Or is it?
Dear reader, instead of our usual multiple-choice Sunday poll, we're asking you to pull out your blue book and write an essay based on the italicized question above. Press that comment button and defend your answer in 100 words or less. The winner gets the famous Barista latte mug.

September 26, 2004 in The Sunday Barista Poll | Permalink | Comments (3)