May 9
...serving up your daily dish.
A 19 1/2 minute independent film, produced by Montclair actress Cynthia Leigh Heim, had its first screening last night in New York. "Down in the Mouth," which is directed by Kirby Ward, has a bizarre but charmingly funny plot, and features a number of local actors: Sima Brason of Montclair, Barbara Folts of Bloomfield, Joseph LaFalce of Orange, Carl Pope of Montclair and Kyle SanGiovonni (Heim's husband), also of Montclair. The assistant director, Greg Daniels, is from Bloomfield. To see a short video of Heim describing the plot, click here or check out the film's website.
To help the filmmakers finish production and speed its way to Sundance, Teluride, Tribeca and other festivals, send a tax-deductible donation to Film/Videoarts, 25 E. 21st St., 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10010 and write "Down in the Mouth" in the memo portion of the check.
Local knitters may recognize both Heim and Brason. Brason own Nouveau Knits and Heim also teaches classes there.
May 9, 2006 in Lights, Camera..... Roll Tape | Permalink | Comments (11)
November 7
...serving up your daily dish.
Well, at least Kevin Connolly, who plays Eric on the hit HBO show, is, making an independent film on Hamilton Road. And, except for the absence of babes, free-flowing coke and champagne, it looks just like the entourage on the TV show. The movie, "Gardener of Eden," is actually being filmed at the home of Glen Ridge landscaper George Buchmann. All we can say is, the entourage better not leave any trash.
November 7, 2005 in Lights, Camera..... Roll Tape | Permalink | Comments (9)
November 3
...serving up your daily dish.
November 3, 2005 in Lights, Camera..... Roll Tape | Permalink | Comments (1)
September 27
...serving up your daily dish.
Yeah, Mr. Gandolfini, we're lookin' at you. And just wait til the kids get off school in about an hour.
All Glen Ridge is abuzz about today's Sopranos shoot, which involves some kind of altercation between our favorite suburban mob boss and a roofer. (But the way a Mark TIrandola truck came barreling through a red light at the intersection of Washington and Ridgewood -- presumably waved through by a cop we couldn't see -- it looked like a real altercation might have been in store. It wasn't.) Could this lead up to Tony's visit at an x-ray center, already filmed in Clifton?
September 27, 2005 in Lights, Camera..... Roll Tape | Permalink | Comments (10)