January 13
...serving up your daily dish.
This week's Montclair Times reports on the speedway like conditions experienced by pedestrians trying to cross Grove and McDonough Streets. Here at the Baristanet, we were working on our own story about the Most Dangerous Intersections in Baristaville. Last week we called the Montclair Police Department for comment, and are still awaiting their response. In the meantime, we turn it over to you: Nominations please, for the Most Scariest, Harrowing, and Dangerous Intersection in Baristaville, besides Watchung Plaza...
January 13, 2006 in Intersections We Hate | Permalink | Comments (40)
October 11
...serving up your daily dish.
This just in....
Bloomfield Avenue in Verona – where they are doing the bridge construction by the park – is closed in both directions until further notice because of a street cave-in or collapse. This is already a pretty jammed spot, so anyone needing to go there should take some extra time.
October 11, 2005 in Intersections We Hate | Permalink | Comments (16)
July 26
...serving up your daily dish.
We got caught in it yesterday around 5:30 and as a result our teenage diva was late for a rehearsal. An irate reader writes us about it today. It's the intersection of Grove and Watchung, former home of the Marlboro Inn, and roadwork (an entrance into the new development maybe?) is causing massive detours and delays in the area for the second day.
Why no story on the second day of Grove St. being blocked at Watchung by Plofker's crew? It's the second day of Decamp buses down Ridgewood Ave, and who knows how long the construction will continue?
July 26, 2005 in Intersections We Hate | Permalink | Comments (47)
April 9
...serving up your daily dish.
Glen Ridge Police say that the victim of yesterday's car-pedestrian fatality at the intersection of Bloomfield and Hillside Aves. was a 63-year-old Bloomfield woman who lived on Park Ave., but they still have not released her name pending notificatin of kin. The driver was Gus Holsey of Montclair.
The accident, meanwhile, has drawn attention to a five-corner intersection long considered dangerous. "I've been talking about the intersection for years," said Glen Ridge Mayor Carl Bergmanson. "The reality is that it's a county intersection. The town has nothing to do with it. It's one of the most dangerous intersections in town."
Bergmanson said he asked the county as recently as two weeks ago to start the long-awaited retooling of the Hillside intersection, and had gotten word from the county that work would soon start. Although Bergmanson didn't think that the intersection's configuration had to do with yesterday's fatality, "it does underscore the fact that it is a very poorly designed intersection," he said.
The only worse intersection in town, Bergmanson says, is the intersection of Highland and Glenridge Ave., which features three blinking red lights and one blinking yellow.
April 9, 2005 in Intersections We Hate | Permalink | Comments (0)