November 3
...serving up your daily dish.
With Ohio still uncalled, we have three little words to leave you with:
November 3, 2004 in In Your Dreams | Permalink | Comments (3)

October 14
...serving up your daily dish.
WNYC radio is having an Election Coverage Challenge today, asking its listeners to send in money to help them cover the very, very expensive Presidential campaign. They're hoping to raise $250,000.
Yeah, well, we have problems too.
So keep local parody alive and make a secure pledge payment to Barista! Go to our Contact Us page and click on the little green box at the bottom.
Think we're kidding? Just one $25,000 donation will keep us going for months. And local millionaire Steve Plofker has even offered to double your pledge if you call in the next hour. (Ok, that part we're kidding about.)
October 14, 2004 in Help Your Barista!, In Your Dreams | Permalink | Comments (0)

October 8
...serving up your daily dish.

August 22
...serving up your daily dish.
Kevin Lee Allen over at Montclair Unmoderated gets credit for finding 270 to Win, an interactive and surprisingly addictive Electoral College map that allows you to color in between the lines any way you see fit. With historical data going back to the George Washington v. John Adams matchup in 1789 (colored green and gray.) So fun and easy that calling a close Presidential race becomes child's play. Even your toddler can be a pundit -- and learn his colors, too.
August 22, 2004 in In Your Dreams | Permalink | Comments (2)

August 12
...serving up your daily dish.
The Star-Ledger reports today that Mayor Remsen's Leadership Montclair slate still has a campaign debt of $14,000. We think they should recruit Melinda Ligos, who ran the Beat Bush Bake Sale, which you might recall for its Condoleezza Rice Krispie Treats. Possible goodies: Marlboro Inn Marble Cake, Revaluation Raspberry Tarts, Brand Consultant Bran Muffins, Hahne's Ho-Ho's ... Melinda?
August 12, 2004 in In Your Dreams | Permalink | Comments (2)

July 24
...serving up your daily dish.

The Glen Ridge Voice reported this week that Glen Ridge will receive a $50,000 homeland security grant from the State of New Jersey.
Glen Ridge, as everyone knows, is a prime target for terrorists everywhere who envy its stately homes, quaint gas lamps and tasteful Christmas decorations. "We spit on their little dried flower wreaths," Osama bin Laden recently told the Voice.
Here, members of the town's Kiwanis Club assemble a cannon in front of the town's new (but architecturally appropriate) gazebo, all part of recent efforts to fortify Toney's Brook.
July 24, 2004 in In Your Dreams | Permalink | Comments (3)

July 22
...serving up your daily dish.
People in Bloomfield were saddened to hear this week that Sacred Heart School will be closing. But think of the possibilities....
July 22, 2004 in In Your Dreams | Permalink | Comments (4)

June 15
...serving up your daily dish.
Montclair real estate mogul Steven Plofker has abandoned plans to demolish the historic Marlboro Inn and construct custom homes there in a favor of a new plan: turning the inn into a gigantic animal shelter.
Animal advocates in Montclair have been in an uproar lately because the township of Montclair has been thinking of getting rid of the PAWS shelter on Willow Street, in favor of a tony new sushi place or something else that could bring in tax revenues.
Plofker had been following the posts about PAWS on the Montclair Watercooler, and melted when he saw this picture of a boxer-hound mix called "Jaguar" (seen on right.)
"I'm a sucker for a Jaguar," he said. "And I like dogs too. Then I thought: a run-down inn and lots of unwanted animals. What a perfect mix. We won't even have to replace the carpeting."
In keeping with Plofker's high-end development style, the new Marlboro PAWS will be loaded with pet amenities, such as a puppy concierge, yoga classes for cats and a 24-hour hair salon for poodles and long-hairs.
Show up at the Town Council meeting tonight to congratulate Montclair on the plan.
(Disclaimer: For humor purposes only. All facts and quotes are made up.)
June 15, 2004 in In Your Dreams | Permalink | Comments (0)