June 9
...serving up your daily dish.
Here's proof that just because you're looking through a camera doesn't mean you're actually seeing what's going on.
Now, let's set the scene. It's the last game of the baseball season, the Barista's got a fancy new digital camera and her son has gotten a walk. The next batter comes up, hits a whopper out to right-center and the Barista son starts running. Barista's got the video on. She follows him to second. Hey, this is cool! She tracks him going to third. Whoops. She loses him after he rounds third. What the h---? Then she finds him just in time for the climactic crossing of home. And..... well just click on the picture and watch the film.
Oh, by the way, he's fine.
June 9, 2004 in Funniest Home Videos | Permalink | Comments (5)