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  • For information on advertising send us an email at [email protected].
    Click here to download our digital ad kit.

  • Have some juicy intelligence for the Barista? Write [email protected]
  • If you're having trouble commenting, write [email protected]. Report inappropriate comments to [email protected]
  • To run a classified ad on Barista, go to the classifieds page and follow the directions in the right-hand column. It may take a few days before your classified is posted.
  • Entertainment listings are self serve. Please go to the Baristanet Calendar to submit your event. We try to approve events within 24 hours. If you need to reach the calendar editor, write to [email protected].
  • To send us something for the food page, write us at [email protected]

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We reserve the right to refuse any ad for any reason.
We will not post any ad until payment has been received.
Ads without a time frame will be posted ASAP and run until payment runs out.
We are not responsible for the content of any ad, or the results or lack of results of placing or responding to any ad, or for any opinion expressed in any ad.
We make no guarantees or warrantees of any kind.