March 26
...serving up your daily dish.
If you're interested in performing or helping with the series, contact Tom Lonergan.
March 26, 2006 in Barista's Sunday Poll | Permalink | Comments (50)
March 12
...serving up your daily dish.
March 12, 2006 in Barista's Sunday Poll | Permalink | Comments (1)
January 8
...serving up your daily dish.
Although we doubt it. Yes the news, again, the power outtages in Upper Montclair -- with this significant wrinkle, e-mailed in by a tipster:
Last night, PSE&G customer service reps began the task of calling all of the customers affected by the recent power outages to apologize for the inconvenience and inform them of the steps it has taken and will be taking to corrected the problem.
Apologies? From public service? What's next? Bush admitting the war isn't going so well?
And, in case you haven't read all the comments on Friday's story, both Bloomfield councilman Ray Tamborini and Montclair Mayor Ed Remsen have thrown their considerable weight around with the power company lately, which might be why those apologies have been forthcoming. Or maybe they just read Baristanet. And we'll see if the power company makes a fool out of Mayor Remson for saying that the faulty cable responsible for the outtages "has, by now, been fully replaced."
Meanwhile, in the true spirit of citizen journalism, we put the question to you:
January 8, 2006 in Barista's Sunday Poll | Permalink | Comments (25)
December 11
...serving up your daily dish.
In case you haven't heard, Research in Motion, the company that makes the BlackBerry, is in the middle of an ugly patent dispute that could, theoretically, shut down the mobile e-mail service. And then what would happen? How would the dealers deal? How would the big shots shoot? How would Baristanet get late-breaking tips on NJ Transit train delays?
Well, the Barista herself is not a big enough shot to have a BlackBerry but we know Baristaville is full of addicts users. Which led us to wonder, what other dependencies might we find among our readers?
December 11, 2005 in Barista's Sunday Poll | Permalink | Comments (2)
November 13
...serving up your daily dish.
November 13, 2005 in Barista's Sunday Poll | Permalink | Comments (8)
October 9
...serving up your daily dish.
As you likely know, the Yankees have not won the World Series since 2000, a time most of us can hardly remember. Tonight could be their last chance -- for this year. Meanwhile, it's never too early to plan for 2006.
October 9, 2005 in Barista's Sunday Poll | Permalink | Comments (9)
September 25
...serving up your daily dish.
We raise the question only because Friday was the first day of autumn.
September 25, 2005 in Barista's Sunday Poll | Permalink | Comments (14)
August 14
...serving up your daily dish.
HI = -42.379 + 2.04901523T + 10.14333127R - 0.22475541TR - 6.83783x10-3T2- 5.481717x10-2R2+ 1.22874x10-3T2R + 8.5282x10-4TR2- 1.99x10-6T2R2where T = ambient dry bulb temperature (°F)R = relative humidity (integer percentage). -- The Heat Index Equation
August 14, 2005 in Barista's Sunday Poll | Permalink | Comments (11)
August 7
...serving up your daily dish.
We think this is a guy thing. You know, stand there in Home Depot for half an hour, look at all the sprinklers with a furrowed brow, calculate water dispersal geometrics, think about the sound. At any rate, the Barista's guy is the one who came up with today's poll. Click on each sprinkler to hear what it sounds like. And then tell us: which would prefer on your lawn?
August 7, 2005 in Barista's Sunday Poll | Permalink | Comments (6)
July 31
...serving up your daily dish.
You've heard the one about the Jesus statue in Hoboken that opened one of its eyes? Well, we got miracles too. Really.
July 31, 2005 in Barista's Sunday Poll | Permalink | Comments (28)