May 16
...serving up your daily dish.
Baristanet has moved. The new address is www.baristanetnj.com. We'll soon be redirecting you to the new url automatically.
...are 8 larger websites going to be crammed into the old URL once you leave?
Posted by: realhawker | May 16, 2006 9:46:19 AM
It's just so hard to leave our once plush, custom designed, domain for the McSite over there.
Sorry to be so harsh, but graphically, it's a real step backward...
(I just don't get it)
Posted by: Right of Center | May 16, 2006 9:52:16 AM
The only thing I like better about the new one is that it is optimized for high resolutions. I am running 1920x1200 on a 23" LCD and it is easier to read.
I don't detect any plastic half-timbering yet though.
Posted by: realhawker | May 16, 2006 1:52:00 PM
All that extra typing -- it's gonna take forever!
Posted by: Conan the Floridian | May 16, 2006 3:03:12 PM
Don't like baristanetnj.
Won't go there.
Don't like the name change. It immediately looses all cachet with the nj suffix, and when you look at it as a word
it looks like gibberish - as if someone just hit keystrokes randomly.
Posted by: PeterPan | May 16, 2006 4:05:39 PM
I logged onto the site several times over several days, wondering why it hadn't been updated, before I noticed the new link in the announcement box. It was a very disruptive transition, a little advance notice would have been good.
Posted by: biff | May 16, 2006 10:15:48 PM
Discover the beauty of pakistan. Learn the culture, heritage, traditions and landmarks of different parts of Pakistan especially sindh, Punjab, Baluchistan and N.W.F.P and far northern areas.
Posted by: pakistan | Jun 8, 2009 10:40:51 AM
i'm sorry you're leaving typepad , good luck with your new domain
Posted by: Donna | Nov 29, 2010 11:59:47 AM
that's too darn bad...I loved how this blog looked :)
Posted by: Michelle | Feb 24, 2011 12:04:45 PM