March 2
...serving up your daily dish.
Citizen activism is paying off, reports Scott Kevelson, founder of Friends of Anderson Park( FAP), and the payoff may be a more aesthetically pleasing neighborhood park. The park, which has been torn up for months due to the million dollar renovation, has been under the watchdog eyes of FAP. Thanks to this group, almost half – 24 to be exact – of the park's new green trash cans (and the cement pads they were on), installed by Essex County Parks last month, have vanished as quickly as they appeared. And those six benches installed with birds eye views into neighboring homes – they’re outta there too. Now, Scott plans to tackle the landscaping issues, armed with the historic layout and list of original plantings obtained from the Olmsted Company in Boston.
Now you see them, now you don't
March 2, 2006 in Civic Virtue | Permalink
So. They were weapons of mass destruction after all. But now they have been cleverly hidden by the current regime. I say we bomb the hell out of the place.
Posted by: Bill The Cat | Mar 2, 2006 9:02:01 AM
hmmm. I wonder where the benches went? Has anyone noticed that the sides of the benches are marked with the name ANDERSON PARK. Think they filed the name down before reinstalling them elsewhere?
Posted by: David G | Mar 2, 2006 9:19:59 AM
Congrats to Scott and the Friends of the park. Keep on 'em!
Posted by: Drob | Mar 2, 2006 10:12:52 AM
They are probably in the Park Bench Chop Shop in Brooklyn, where they are made into garden and patio furniture and later sold at a major outdoor furniture dealer near you...
Posted by: Bill The Cat | Mar 2, 2006 10:15:29 AM
Thank you, Scott & FAP! Your efforts are greatly appreciated by all.
Posted by: htb | Mar 2, 2006 5:03:18 PM
Thank you for your efforts on behalf of all who live near and enjoy Anderson Park.
Posted by: Cliff | Mar 2, 2006 8:00:19 PM
Yes, my little one and I are waiting and watching--your hard work is appreciated--thank you.
Posted by: cstarling | Mar 2, 2006 8:07:27 PM
Is everyhting still on schedule to be complete by May / June? Isn't this taking a wee bit long . . .
Posted by: Rchanin | Mar 3, 2006 3:20:05 AM
"Isn't this taking a wee bit long..."
Well, ahem, they did have to go back and fix some things...
Posted by: walleroo | Mar 3, 2006 4:30:10 PM
As a representative of Friends of Anderson Park and all of the people who have worked hard to restore Anderson Park we would like to thank County Executive DiVincenzo for his cooperation and open minded approach to this historic restoration. Though much has yet to be accomplished without the cooperation between the government and the citizens they represent much needed work would not get accomplished. Our example of working together to achieve a common goal is an inspiration to all who serve in or for the community.
Posted by: Scott | Mar 4, 2006 12:28:26 AM