January 5
...serving up your daily dish.
A copy of Montclair Township's updated Master Plan, in the midst of a takeover makeover as part of a state-mandated review, is available for all to read. Now's your chance to put in your final two (or ten) cents before the plan is enacted in the coming weeks. Hot issues, according to today's Montclair Times are: open space preservation, the arts, traffic, automobile usage, parking, historic preservation, the environment, and affordable housing.
“We’re working on it,” Township Planner Karen Kadus said of the municipality’s overall edict, which influences economic development and growth.
Right now, Kadus is waiting for the Planning Board to set a date for the document’s last public hearing in a final attempt to gauge residential input.
“It will probably be in late January or early February,” Kadus said. “We want to let people read the revisions first, so that means providing a copy on the Web site and in the library.”
Draft sections of the re-examination report are available on the municipal Web site, in the Montclair Public Library, and at the offices of the Planning Department and Township Clerk in the Municipal Building, 205 Claremont Ave.
January 5, 2006 in Only in Montclair | Permalink
Is there any talk in the "Master Plan" about freedom for our brethren behind the Iron Watercooler? Those that must "live" under the thumb of their taskmasters. Those poor wretches who's every utterance must be scrutinized by BD-eyes in order to be "cleansed" or "denied" as speech "unfit for The People". We in the free world must never forget our enslaved cousins. Can they yet hope for Glasnost? Isn't it our duty to do something about it?
I'd like to see something about that in the Master Plan.
Posted by: Right of Center (8T) | Jan 5, 2006 9:36:08 AM
Kevin, you can proof the code. Click "preview" next to "post".
Posted by: Right of Center (8T) | Jan 5, 2006 9:36:52 AM
"Click "preview" next to "post"."
Yea, but I always jump past that. Maybe next time.
Posted by: Kevin Lee Allen | Jan 5, 2006 9:57:30 AM
This is just simply too brilliant!
Posted by: Kevin Lee Allen | Jan 5, 2006 9:58:30 AM
This is just simply too ***expletive deleted*** brilliant!
Posted by: Kevin Lee Allen | Jan 5, 2006 10:00:28 AM
but ROC, Mary and that super steamy badd patti are hot internet police women.
Posted by: sharky | Jan 5, 2006 10:01:37 AM
You must not have heard the news: the WC is the most viable forum for political debate in this town. One of the BDs said so himself! And nobody questioned it! Therefore, it must be true!
Eat your heart out, Hu Jintao.
Posted by: walleroo (Wimpy) | Jan 5, 2006 10:23:55 AM
"...People should pay attention to their behavior when they are surfing on the Net"
(sound familiar?)
Posted by: Right of Center (8T) | Jan 5, 2006 10:43:00 AM
ROC: I concur with Kevin. That was absolutely brilliant.
Posted by: Miss Martta (8T) | Jan 5, 2006 10:49:37 AM
If you don't like the way the WC is moderated, ROC, the solution is plain: you should become a BD! That's what the BDs always say when you complain, so it must be true!
Posted by: walleroo (Dopey) | Jan 5, 2006 10:54:48 AM
Well, they're cleverly hiding it on the Montclair website.
Do I need a secret code to access it?
Posted by: latebloomer | Jan 5, 2006 11:07:20 AM
I was told that once by the Queen B...D herself. Although it was only suggested that I "apply" for BD-dom.
Think of the power you could have comrade!
Posted by: Right of Center (8T) | Jan 5, 2006 11:09:08 AM
but you can't become a BD unless you are approved by the other BD's.
Posted by: Kevin Lee Allen | Jan 5, 2006 11:10:45 AM
This story was actually reported in the Montclair Times. Check your links.
Posted by: Inquiring Mind | Jan 5, 2006 11:37:13 AM
That explains "gauge residential input." a Montclair Timesian phrase if I ever heard one.
Posted by: Right of Center (8T) | Jan 5, 2006 11:39:50 AM
The residential input guage is located in the boiler room to the right of the gas meter, below the hot air vane.
Posted by: walleroo | Jan 5, 2006 1:42:52 PM
don't tell anyone, but in my house they hooked up the hot air vein without a meter, so we have all the hot air we want for free!
Posted by: Right of Center (8T) | Jan 5, 2006 1:46:29 PM
The MWC isn't perfect, but it is a great improvement over the days when the only news source was the Montclair Times.
You can always carry the debate over to Montclair Unmoderated.
Posted by: Bitpusher | Jan 5, 2006 2:00:31 PM
Pravada eesen't perfekt, komrad. But eet ess a lodt better dan filink a komplaint width de kommisar, no?
You kould just do sum wheesperink behind de dacha, eh?
Posted by: Right of Center (8T) | Jan 5, 2006 2:08:39 PM
"You can always go the Montclair Unmoderated."
That's the spirit! The Montclair Watercooler, love it or leave it!
Posted by: walleroo | Jan 5, 2006 2:59:37 PM