December 22
...serving up your daily dish.
Tonight's the night for last-minute holiday festivities, before everyone goes off to snuggle with their own families. Your choice:
- Gather at 6:30 pm at the corner of Church Street and Bloomfield Ave. to join a group of carolers. Free hot cocoa provided by Church Street Cafe. Bring non-perishable food for the Human Needs Pantry.
- If you'd rather swig beer than cocoa, a group of Baristanetters have organized a get-together over at the Cloverleaf Tavern around 7:30 pm. Iceman, Miss Martta and Cathar have made it a definite date. The Barista may revel as well if she's not too cold and tired to go out. All the reglar kibitzers are welcome.
December 22, 2005 in Our Favorite Diversions | Permalink
While my own attendance is pretty much definite, that's a long way in the circles in which I move from "definite." I could also quibble about the phrase "all the reglar (sic) kibitzers" are welcome." All? Not quite. Come now, in other words. Mr. Fezziwig I ain't.
Posted by: cathar | Dec 22, 2005 2:12:57 PM
Tonight at 8 pm at Bloomfield High School - orchestra and chorus holiday program. It's the first time I'm going, but I have heard it's always a wonderful concert.
Posted by: g | Dec 22, 2005 2:40:19 PM
Or, after caroling, drop in to Church Street Cafe & enjoy 13 HANDS' amazing repertoire of texture-rock original compositions. 13 HANDS, aka Dalian, will be performing from 7:30 - 9:30 in a musical style that can be described as a funky pastiche of such artists as U2, Neil Young, Morrissey, Peter Gabriel and Pink Floyd.
There is no cover charge.
Posted by: Greg Spinelli | Dec 22, 2005 2:55:35 PM
Guiness is good, but a Perfect Manhattan with 3 cherries is my Christmas drink.
Posted by: hrhppg | Dec 22, 2005 4:55:14 PM
I am jealous have a great time-!!!-held hostage by elfen thugs.
Posted by: cstarling | Dec 22, 2005 4:57:33 PM
They are so thug=like they don't even spell elfin right.
Posted by: cstarling | Dec 22, 2005 5:01:30 PM
funny, I don't recall sprites and mythic dwarves ever being called "thugs."
(cheers to montclair_is_crazy)
Posted by: Appletony | Dec 22, 2005 7:33:33 PM
seemed like a nice turnout for the caroling. It's the kind of thing that needs to happen (and grow) several years in a row, always on the Friday before. People will come back, bring their friends and plan for the event if the date is consistent.
Posted by: Kevin Lee Allen | Dec 22, 2005 9:29:36 PM
Enjoyed meeting Iceman, Miss Martta and Cathar at the Cloverleaf. Always fun to see Baristanet readers playing nicely.
Posted by: The Barista | Dec 23, 2005 8:06:13 AM
Ah, but, dear Barista, one of my favorite t-shirts (purchased as a matter of fact from the Providence, RI chapter of the Angels at a bike show), reads "Does Not Play Well With Others."
Still, it was nice to meet fellow posters and this site's true goddess.
Posted by: cathar | Dec 23, 2005 8:10:50 AM