September 26
...serving up your daily dish.
Besides Desperate Housewives last night, folks in Baristaville with HBO were more than likely glued to their seats for "Everyman" Larry David and the season opener of "Curb". If you haven't watched it yet, we won't spoil it, except to say there was much ado about a sandwich called the "Larry David" and scalping tickets to temple. Meanwhile...
As far as we know, Baristaville doesn't have a place where we can buy sandwiches named after our local luminaries (although one Montclair deli, right, does let you eat the street that you live on). If you could build a sandwich and name it after yourself or someone else (i.e. Dick Grabowsky, Steven Plofker, Ed Remsen, Debbie Galant) what would it be? And would it taste good washed down with a Baristarita?
September 26, 2005 in Television | Permalink
The Dana - "liberal" servings of Hummus, roasted red peppers, cucumbers, sprouts, and a slice of Havarti cheese on Multi-grain bread.
Can't wait to drink my slim-fast shake for lunch. :(
Posted by: Dana | Sep 26, 2005 10:36:07 AM
The Dana - "liberal" servings of Hummus, roasted red peppers, cucumbers, sprouts, and a slice of Havarti cheese on Multi-grain bread.
Can't wait to drink my slim-fast shake for lunch. :(
Posted by: Dana | Sep 26, 2005 10:36:55 AM
The Miss Martta: Grassroots-fed, fat-trimmed roast beef on multigrain bread with Red State Peppers, served on the right side of the plate.
Washed down with a Black & Tan or Guinness.
Posted by: Miss Martta | Sep 26, 2005 11:03:51 AM
The Right Winger...A conservative serving of veal and baby seal smothered with french fries on mayo slathered Wonder bread. Washed down with a 6 pack of Piels tall boys.
Posted by: John L | Sep 26, 2005 11:32:51 AM
I was waiting for your response, John L. Your sandwich exceeded my expectations.
Posted by: Dana | Sep 26, 2005 11:37:40 AM
The "Fat Cat" BLT: Bacon, Lobster, and Tomato on served on a lightly toasted Croissant with herbed aioli and bibb lettuce. Accompanied by a half-bottle of Chassagne Montrachet. On second thought, make that a full bottle.
Posted by: Conan the Grammarian | Sep 26, 2005 12:31:31 PM
LOL...I couldn't resist. Now excuse me while I get my fur overcoat out of storage.
Posted by: John L | Sep 26, 2005 12:35:24 PM
The Liz: a large Greek salad, served with take-out from 10 other restaurants and half a scone. Downed with a latte, of course.
Posted by: The Barista | Sep 26, 2005 2:09:27 PM
"The Daniella"... fried ersters (that's oysters to you yankees), tomato and a whole heck of a lot of crystal hot sauce served on po-boy bread.
(oh and John L, that was hilarious!)
Posted by: daniella | Sep 26, 2005 2:22:17 PM
The best present I ever received was a t-shirt with bold letters:
(What Would Larry David Do)
I laugh every time I put it on.
Posted by: big curb fan | Sep 26, 2005 2:29:09 PM
Big Curb - I want that shirt! I love it!
John L. - it was a good one. Just in case I gave the wrong impression, I'm not a vegetarian (any longer). I think a residue of my 7-year vegetarian past is that I prefer non-meat laden sandwiches. But Veal and Seal - that does sound enticing. (YAK!)You have a twisted mind. :)
Posted by: Dana | Sep 26, 2005 2:47:58 PM
Daniella - "Ersters" is from Brooklyn, too, as are a lot of NOLA pronunciations. I believe a lot of Irish shipworkers and stevedores emigrated from Brooklyn to New Orleans.
"There is a strong Irish heritage among the "Yats," and several features of their speech recall stereotypical Brooklynese—"dese," "dem," "doze" for "these," "them," "those"; "berl," "earl," and "ersters" for "boil," "oil," and "oysters"; and "mudder" for "mother."" (- from Slate, 9/8/2005)
Posted by: Conan the Grammarian | Sep 26, 2005 2:48:36 PM
"There is a strong Irish heritage among the "Yats," and several features of their speech recall stereotypical Brooklynese—"dese," "dem," "doze" for "these," "them," "those"; "berl," "earl," and "ersters" for "boil," "oil," and "oysters"; and "mudder" for "mother.""
You could be talking about people from Pittsburgh as well!
Posted by: Miss Martta | Sep 26, 2005 3:13:44 PM