August 14
...serving up your daily dish.
and the great electric grid that runs them. Today is the two-year anniversary of the power outtage of 2003. This picture is an NOAA satellite image of how it looked from the sky the night of Aug. 14, 2003. As for this year, PJM, which runs the grid for 51 million people (including all of us here in Baristaville), reported record demand on July 26, and asked consumers to conserve energy on Aug. 5. Let's hope they can hold on til the current heat wave breaks.
Finally, nature's little air conditioner...RAIN
It's about time, too!
Posted by: Pam | Aug 14, 2005 10:15:56 PM
FYI. We lost our power here in the north end of Bloomfield from 6:35 p.m. to around 7:40 p.m. Everything has been fine since then. First power outage of the summer season. We usually have two or three here.
Posted by: denis | Aug 14, 2005 10:28:57 PM
Part of the North End of Bloomfield still seems to be out of power. I feel bad for the residents who are in the dark this evening but it's nice not to have the IHOP sign shining into my livingroom for once.
Posted by: Dani | Aug 14, 2005 11:30:51 PM
We lost power for about an hour and a half in the late afternoon. It was hot, of course, but there was still enough daylight to read a magazine and chop salad ingredients without taking off a finger! From what I can tell that affected at least the homes between Centre Street in Nutley and West Passaic Ave in Bloomfield, and the homes by Oakview School. I had called PSE&G and continually got the busy signal. By the time I got thru to the recording and placed on hold, it said the "Montclair area" was without power, but before an operator came on the line, the power was back.
Picking up my son at 10:00, I saw that the Shell gas Station on Watchung Ave and the homes between Watchung, Broad and the Middle School had no power and the traffic light was out. My other son was visiting off Broughton Ave, near Bay. They had power.
Posted by: gc | Aug 15, 2005 8:43:27 AM
We lost power on Inwood Ave between Valley and Norwood, and probably on adjacent streets Fernwood and Oakwood at about 10 Sunday night until some time in the middle of the night.
We used candles, and was amazed yet again at how much light they shed, and that it was all the after-dark light folks had for a long, long time.
Posted by: Martin | Aug 15, 2005 9:20:18 AM
My power blinked out at 6:35 last night but it came right back up (just long enough to make all the digital clocks blink). I live near Bloomfield High.
Posted by: State Street Pete | Aug 15, 2005 9:40:31 AM
We had a power "fade" too around 6:30. It was less than a minute but all my clocks are out. We're by Carteret Park in GR.
Posted by: Cheryl | Aug 15, 2005 8:16:51 PM
We had a brief power outage here in GR.
I was at work and called home- S had a bunch of friends over. Turns out they ate chinese food by candlelight and took turns reading passages from "The Oddysey".
(I'm sure they were back on the computer & TV when the lights came on- but it was kind of neat while it lasted...)
Posted by: Pam | Aug 16, 2005 7:36:10 PM