August 27
...serving up your daily dish.
Speaking of London, those crazy Brits have something wild going on this weekend at the London Zoo. It's an exhibit of Homo sapiens, barely clothed and basking on rocks, and it only goes until Monday.
Presented to the public with only fig leaves to protect their modesty, the humans will become an important feature of zoo life as they are cared for by our experienced keepers and kept entertained through various forms of enrichment.
We're a little freaked out at the prospect of zoo animals with British accents, and if we hadn't just come back from a trip, we might consider jumping on one of these flights to see the spectacle. On the other hand, you could just go visit the Glen Ridge Pool. (Thanks, AMKorotkin, for the tip.)
August 27, 2005 in Really Freaking Weird | Permalink
I read today that some spectators were disappointed that there were bathing suits under the faux fig leaves.
A couple years ago in the then-new primate house, there was a window into some guy's (probably unpaid intern's) office with an information plaque about Homo Sapiens. I thought it was cool but it didn't last too long.
Posted by: Sharon GR | Aug 27, 2005 6:09:50 PM