June 16
...serving up your daily dish.
Montclair kicks off its Moonlight Nights music series tonight with Yvette Glover and her trio. St. James Episcopal Church, Upper Montclair, 7 pm. Free. More info here . (And if you can find this on the Montclair website, let us know, because we'd send a linkie there.)
June 16, 2005 in Our Favorite Diversions | Permalink
The Montclair website, can be found right here folks, on Barista..however, Deb you're providing more info about the series then they are..you list events to July 28th..they, only list events to the 14th., missing the last two ( another Community Band performance, and a show by Spank ).
Also, I had, in the past, covered this event every year that O.A.C.A. put it on..made for some great music shows that I had on my show, airing on Tv -34. This year, no calls at all to cover it ( I hardly even saw any mention in the media, until today, that it was being held ). I'm saying this, because I've received about 15 emails today, asking me if I'm going to cover it again. I won't be, but I would have if I was asked to by the township.
It's a real shame that more of our Community events are not video taped. They could be shared with so many people
( for those who could not have been there ) by being broadcast on our public access channel Tv - 34. Not to mention the fact that this would also provide some very useful material for future marketing.
Even MEDC and the BID, didn't want to have their special events that were held the past few weeks video taped. And for those who may think it was just not wanting me to do it ( a sour grapes kind of thing that I may bring this up ), Nobody was there to do it..BID said they didn't have any money..DIDN"T have any Money..hows that possible..what a shame... and a waste of many great opportunities of having those events / activities on record.
Posted by: wayne robbins | Jun 16, 2005 9:29:39 PM