June 30
...serving up your daily dish.
In the world of dating, women of a “certain age” are faced with less than stellar prospects. Every available female over the age of 40 knows the three types of men:
If you are lucky enough to snag that rare guy who isn’t one of these types, hang onto him for dear life. Meanwhile, I’ve sent this link to all my single female friends so we can all feel a little bit better.
June 30, 2005 in Don't Ask: Dating in Baristaville | Permalink | Comments (22)
Is the real estate market softening? Check out At Home, where we have real estate and decor news, as well as all the latest house sales.
Tom Cruise X-Box controller, by Banterist, which but for one "a" would be an anagram of Baristanet.
June 30, 2005 in Really Freaking Weird | Permalink | Comments (2)
Regulars at the Brookdale Park tennis courts tell us they're not liking the change in management that took place several months ago, when Tom Bologna of Tennis Resources, who had the franchise for 8 years, was quietly replaced with Elite Tennis. The biggest complaint seems to be that Elite keeps the bathrooms locked and players often show up before management comes to unlock them. But Bologna says that Elite is living up to its name and treating the county facility like a private country club: "They won't even let a kid and a dad go on the court with a ballhopper." Bologna has relocated to the Mountainside courts across from the Iris Gardens in Upper Montclair. Elite didn't return our call.
June 30, 2005 in Controversy | Permalink | Comments (7)
Go to the Food page to read about a restaurant delivery from hell.
From the outside, it doesn't look like much. In fact, we can say that its charms completely eluded us for 16 years of living walking distance away. The Seven Hills Restaurant, at the corner of Washington St. and Lackawanna Place in Bloomfield, and slated for demolition as part of the downtown revitalization, is a weathered relic of a long gone era. (Photo by Scot Surbeck)
But you can't always tell a book by its cover. Inside on a Saturday night, there's a vibrant scene. Crooners with a full band, couples celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, a bar culture like something out of "Cheers." Anne Burt Feuerzeig, who wrote about it eloquently in her blog, took us there this past Saturday night with her husband Craig for a last look: Seven Hills closes tonight in anticipation of the wrecking ball. The bar will remain open on Friday nights, and the restaurant will be available for private parties.
Too bad we found it so late. It was a blast.
June 30, 2005 in Goodbyes | Permalink | Comments (20)
The Annual Sunset Classic 5K Run will take place tonight between 6:30 and 9 pm in Glen Ridge.
Expect delays if traveling along Ridgewood Avenue, between Sunset Avenue and Osborne Street. Every roadway along this route, leading toward Bloomfield will be closed to traffic.
We think we can make that more clear. UPDATE: We hear from a longtime Sunset Classic runner that Glen Ridge's offical announcement is wrong. Traffic will be affected from Forest Ave. to Bloomfield. Ridgewood Ave. will not be closed.
June 30, 2005 in Buzz | Permalink | Comments (23)
June 29
...serving up your daily dish.
EPA is holding a public hearing tonight to discuss groundwater contamination at the Montclair/West Orange/Glen Ridge radium sites. The groundwater near the sites contains radon-222 at "levels which are outside of EPA's acceptable risk range," but the agency recommends doing nothing, as nobody drinks the groundwater. The public is invited to comment. The meeting is at Nishuane School, 32 Cedar Avenue in Montclair.
June 29, 2005 in Controversy | Permalink | Comments (0)
Baristaville is getting seriously overcrowded. We're not talking McMansions. We're not talking SUV's. No, we're talking wireless internet connections.
We were smoking along just fine, connecting anywhere in the house at speeds of 54 Mbps until a cowboy named Netgear mosied into the neighborhood. Now we can't connect unless we're right on top of the router, and we're lucky if we get a speed of 11 Mbps. Netgear: there ain't room enough in town for the two of us.
Anybody else having this problem? Or, better yet, anyone else know what to do about it? We'd hate to have to go blow away someone's router. You know, if we didn't have to.
June 29, 2005 in Buzz | Permalink | Comments (30)
They're handing out free ice cream today at Starbucks, nationwide. Your favorite Barista is going right now, up to the Starbucks next to Whole Foods, and we'll give out a dozen Barista frisbees to whoever we see there. (Say hi to the birthday boy we're bringing with us.)
Thanks to Butch for the tip.
UPDATE: Home. Yum. 250 calories. Btw, amazing the number of people who are suspicious of free Frisbees.
June 29, 2005 in Our Favorite Diversions | Permalink | Comments (37)