May 11
...serving up your daily dish.
Montclair has already cracked the $3 million ceiling for house prices, but Glen Ridge is actually one million behind. Still, folks are doing their best to catch up. For news on what's breaking records in the Ridge, visit At Home. By the way. Bloomfield's house price high to date is $680,000.
May 11, 2005 in Barista Does the Math | Permalink
Just wondering in regards to your statement about the highest price tag so far in Bloomfield. I heard that the huge house on Broadstreet (across the street a little from bagels abroad, closer to Brookdale school) was sold in the range of $1m?????????????????????????
Posted by: Broad Street | May 11, 2005 11:03:12 PM
schools in Montclair are so average at best. All the people in Uppah Montclair send their kiddies to private
Posted by: Ern | May 12, 2005 10:39:22 AM
"All the people in Uppah Montclair send their kiddies to private"
Posted by: walleroo | May 12, 2005 10:40:15 AM
well not all maybe 50% right Walleroo Walleroo. How else could so many privates survive and thrive in Montclair
Posted by: Ern | May 12, 2005 11:41:08 AM
Ern- see my comments about your statement under the article about GRHS. I'm shocked that you're not aware that many, if not most, of the students are private schools located in Montclair come from outside the town. But then again, anyone who makes generalizations like you do is unlikely to be bothered by facts, huh!
Posted by: MontclairMom | May 12, 2005 4:17:04 PM
deny deny deny. So many private schools for the Uppah Folks. Yet the Uppah folks deny it b/c they do not want to admit their desire to exclude their kiddies from the other side of town.
Posted by: Ern | May 12, 2005 4:24:59 PM
Ern (or is it Urn?), has it ever occured to you that folks living in 07043 call their town Upper Montclair because they're pretentious rather than rich? Consider, too, that most of the really big mansions are south of Bloomfield Ave.
Posted by: walleroo | May 12, 2005 4:39:46 PM
I have lived in Upper Montclair since 1980. I am neither pretentious or rich. All my kids went through the Montclair school system -- some more "successfully" than others. My personal experience was that if you have bright self-motivated kids, the Montclair school system is fabulous. If, on the other hand, your kids need special attention or have learning "issues" the school system is horrible. I suspect most school systems are the same. Like most things, its all in the luck of the draw....even though most of us would like to believe that we have more power than that. BTW, ALL my children have turned out to be fine adults, in spite of or beccause of, (in part) to the Mtc. school system.
Posted by: s. | May 12, 2005 5:15:16 PM