April 15
...serving up your daily dish.
Maybe we should expand Baristaville to include Millburn. There are definitely some acerbic commenters who would feel right at home posting here, as evidenced by today's Post article on Millburn twinkie Meredith Roth. Here's what Uta Cicalese, a member of the district's Parent Teacher Organization, had to say...
"If you insist upon championing a cause, you may want to consider raising the issue in a friendly, quiet way, rather than inundating the community with e-mails that are considered nothing more than spam.
Then again, perhaps that is why you frequently jog around town in nothing more than a sports bra -- you lust for the attention. Please consider moving."
Then, there's this, from Roth...
"Incredibly, the most profitable lunch item in the school cafeteria is a white bagel with cream cheese and a side of Pringles," she fumed.
Not a great comeback, considering there's nothing incredible about that at all. Maybe she'd stop fuming if she sat down and ate a few cupcakes...
April 15, 2005 in Controversy | Permalink
The mothers who got miffed can certainly decide not to like the message -- and the messenger -- but in the end it'll be their kids who might suffer the consequences.
Posted by: Chris | Apr 15, 2005 1:42:31 PM
Blondes jogging around in sports bras??
What is this? The Miss America Pageant? What trash!
Posted by: butchcjg | Apr 15, 2005 2:00:58 PM
I think you have to admit there's something nannyish, even Sister Miriam-like (she used to box my ears while her pectoral cross bounced off my head) about Ms. Roth's style through this whole manner. Something annoying and strident and, well, of the "because I said so" tactical approach. (Not that there's anything wrong with that, as they said on "Seinfeld." And not that one can see any parallels in Baristaville.) It's as if she's trying her damnedest to become the village nutritional scold. She'll probably succeed, alas, thus not be taken seriously when she says anything else.
Posted by: cathar | Apr 15, 2005 2:03:29 PM
This isn't about cupcakes anymore, this is personal!
You should definitely invite them over to duke it out. ROC and Cathar can be their ringmen and give them some pointers on body blows.
Posted by: Lex | Apr 15, 2005 2:03:57 PM
Is she naked from the waist down? No wonder everyone is so pissed!
Posted by: latebloomer | Apr 15, 2005 2:21:55 PM
I thik butch should serve as someone's second here, Lex. Maybe you should two. And mayhap the Barista herself should invite these antagonists to the party. The more cranks, the better.
Posted by: cathar | Apr 15, 2005 2:22:47 PM
"Incredibly, the most profitable lunch item in the school cafeteria is a white bagel with cream cheese and a side of Pringles," she fumed.
Hey, Ms. Roth, buy a clue. Why don't you pack your kid's lunch if you don't like the menu?
Posted by: Miss Martta | Apr 15, 2005 2:23:27 PM
Pringles. Isnt that from the potato family? Its a vegetable!
(Are exclamation and question marks okay, Lex?)
Posted by: walleroo | Apr 15, 2005 2:34:48 PM
Why, Cathar, since my brief Barista sabbatical, I have been a changed man. I believe I have not criticized anyone here all month. I may be a punch-drunk, but a nice one.
In fact, if the stock market continues--inconceivably!--to defy my will I am going to become nicer and nicer until I start emailing you all my resume.
Posted by: Lex | Apr 15, 2005 2:38:50 PM
Let's not get sidetracked here. . . . nothing wrong with blondes jogging around town in sports bras. . . .
Posted by: you_gotta_believe | Apr 15, 2005 2:40:35 PM
Gee, Lex, and here I was hoping to send you my resume. Maybe we should both see if Plofker needs partners who can offer him "sweat equity" rather than big bank accounts. Good luck, nonetheless.
Posted by: cathar | Apr 15, 2005 2:58:51 PM
I think exclamation point and question marks add quite a bit to the language, especially in blog comments. In fact, my next movement will be to add more marks to the written language. We need marks to denote: feigned exasperation, sing-songy voices, smugness, sarcasm, barely concealed joy, dopey confusion and oracular deepness. At least. But thats in the future.
Posted by: Lex | Apr 15, 2005 3:09:40 PM