March 31
...serving up your daily dish.
New Jersey residents have the third-longest commutes in the country, according to a new U.S. Census Bureau study.
Only residents in New York and Maryland have it worse.
New Jerseyeans spend an average of 28.5 minutes getting to work, which doesn't sound too bad. After all, don't we brag here in Baristaville that Midtown Direct gets us into the city in just half an hour?
We guess the average includes people like the Barista, whose commute involves walking across the room -- although sometimes it does take us 28.5 minutes to get out of bed. For every sluggard like us, some poor soul has to spend 57 minutes getting to work, right?
What's your morning commute? Don't hold back. We want to hear about every boring minute you spend on Decamp.
The average commute time of 28.5 minutes for 2003 is actually lower than it was in 2001 (29.1 minutes) and 2000 (28.7 minutes.) It is slightly higher than in 2002 (28.3 minutes) but I think we can safely say that average commute times are staying about the same.
I thought it was more interesting when the Census Bureau announced two weeks ago that NJ now had the highest per student school costs of any state. Higher than NY, higher than Maryland, higher than any other state! Why talk about our bronze medal when we're gold in spending?
Just imagine if your commute got longer by seven percent every year, like our school budgets have. That would mean that the 28 minute 2000 commute would now be more than 40 minutes. Then we'd have something to complain about.
Posted by: MiloG | Mar 31, 2005 8:45:47 PM