January 21
...serving up your daily dish.
If you're a parent of kids six and under, you recognize this picture as a dining out moment of zen. The child is content and the parent is eating something that doesn't come with ketchup packets. Do you have favorite places to dine in Baristaville that are kid-tested? Eateries where you don't get the hairy eyeball for walking in with a toddler? We'd like to know. Click here to tell us about your favorite kid-friendly dining haunts. We'll use the info in an upcoming food feature. Just FYI: This tiny gourmand was snapped at Il Forno on South Fullerton, where accomodating staff keep the bread basket full and split one order of soup into two bowls, so kids can dunk all they want.
January 21, 2005 in Food and Drink | Permalink