December 29
...serving up your daily dish.
Here are ways you can contribute to the tsunami relief effort. The first three are direct links for online credit-card contributions:
And an exhaustive list of relief efforts from an Indian blogger, here.
December 29, 2004 in Civic Virtue | Permalink
The Glen Ridge Congregational Church sent the first $1000 contribution on 12/30. We expect to raise upwards of $10,000 from our members. If you would like to contribute send your check payable to the Glen Ridge Congregational Church, marked 'Asia Earthquake Relief.' We will utilize Church World Service to distribute our contributions. CWS is one of the oldest relief agencies in the world, sponsored by the World Council of Churches and has one of the best ratios of costs vs benefits among all the international relief agencies. None of the contributions will benefit the Glen Ridge Congregational Church.
The Rev. Joseph David Stinson
Glen Ridge Congregational Church
195 Ridgewood Ave.,
Glen Ridge, NJ 07028
Posted by: Stinson | Dec 30, 2004 5:53:19 PM