October 1
...serving up your daily dish.
Looking for the spelling of "zeitgeist" the other idea (Yeah, we know: I after E, except after C) we came across this, Google's weekly Zeitgeist report. If you haven't already found enough ways to waste your time online, we highly recommend it.
Number 9 on Google's list of Top 10 Gaining Queries for the week ending Sept. 27: Yom Kippur. Number 10 on the list of Top 10 Declining Queries for the week ending Sept. 27: Rosh Hashana! So we're predicting: Yom Kippur moves to the Declining Queries list next week and Sukkot moves onto the gainers?
Actually, we're rooting for Pottery Barn Rule for next week's list. Any other predictions?
October 1, 2004 in Seen in Cyberspace | Permalink