September 21
...serving up your daily dish.
It looks like patrons of Rascal's comedy club aren't the only ones who will be enjoying valet parking in downtown Montclair. Valet parking in the Fullerton Street deck next to the YMCA is apparently coming soon for everyone. Although it's not official, Annette Speech, executive assistant in the town manager's office, said that the innovation is likely because parking authorities realized that more cars could be fit in the deck if expert parkers did the job. The idea was first considered as a way to alleviate the anticipated parking crunch when construction begins on the Crescent deck, but will probably commence even before that begins.
September 21, 2004 in Civic Virtue | Permalink
Oh, in the parking deck wherein you can barely park in NOW without getting at least one ding? Fascinating. Hope everyone's got a sunroof!
Posted by: Tom | Sep 21, 2004 12:05:49 PM
Yeah, the spaces are too close together AS it is! Not to mention the tight turns needed to get in and out of there. And what's up with that keeping-to-the-*left* thing?!
Posted by: Confused Citizen | Sep 21, 2004 12:17:13 PM
"Hope everyone's got a sunroof!"
More importantly, I hope everyone's got good insurance!
Posted by: Miss Martta | Sep 21, 2004 2:51:39 PM
Seriously. I thoroughly enjoy trying to make the turn from the second..err..."Level 1" back to the lower level when there are no spots - unless you drive a little teeny car you can't make that turn without coming really close to the walls or reversing a few feet. But hey, people are parking badly. Whatever. I'm officially making hatchbacks mandatory.
Posted by: Tom | Sep 21, 2004 3:37:14 PM
Maybe driving one of these will help ...
New concept in parking garages ...
Posted by: Chris | Sep 21, 2004 7:43:11 PM
Sorry, that second link doesn't work.
Anyway ...
Posted by: Chris | Sep 21, 2004 7:48:17 PM
Meanwhile, Garrett Morrison of the Parking Committee has calculated 500 parking spots will be LOST when all the new construction is complete. The Town has said this number is wrong, but has not responded with specifics. Sounds like the plan is to REDUCE parking.
Posted by: carya | Sep 22, 2004 10:44:24 PM