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September  30

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UPDATE: NJ.com's Jersey Side gave us a mention this morning so we've got out-of-towners voting now. Welcome to Baristaville, guys. And enjoy our valet parking.

September 30, 2004 in Buzz | Permalink | Comments (2)


Mid-debate, Kerry brought up The Pottery Barn Rule, "If you break it, you own it," attributed originally to Colin Powell, in regard to the consequences of invading Iraq. But Pottery Barn says there's no such rule.

May we suggest some alternatives?

  • The Victoria's Secret Rule: Please keep your panties on in the dressing room.
  • The McDonald's Rule: If you hold it between your legs and it spills on you and causes third-degree burns, don't come complaining to us.
  • The Flushing Toilet in the Middle of the Night Rule: If it's brown, flush it down. If it's yellow, let it mellow.
  • The Microsoft Rule: Press start to shut down.
  • The FCC Rule: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise therof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
  • Could somebody pass the chips?

    September 30, 2004 in Froth | Permalink | Comments (2)

    Last-Minute Debate Plans

    No offense anyone, but after spending the afternoon taking a 12-year-old around, trying to get a hair trim, rather than a hair cut, and frustrating every barber and hairdresser in a 10-mile radius, we've decided to spend our Presidential Debate evening at home with this guy, who will be live (for a change) at 11 pm. Guess that makes us a "stoned slacker." Well, if the shoe fits.... More on the "stoned slacker" controversy here and here.

    And while waiting for the political fireworks to start, take this quiz. We aced it and we're pretty sure Barista's high-powered readership will too.

    September 30, 2004 in Our Favorite Diversions | Permalink | Comments (2)

    Carved in Stone (Not)

    Paul Brubaker has a fascinating article in today's Montclair Times about the family of a 9/11 victim that was invited to the county's memorial service in Eagle Rock Reservation only to discover that their fallen father's name was not carved into the memorial. The victim was Michael Stewart, who moved to Montclair in 1993. According to Patrick Morelli, the Cedar Grove artist who designed the memorial, fixing the mistake would cost about $50,000.

    September 30, 2004 in Controversy | Permalink | Comments (5)

    Hitchcock on Hamilton
    Believe us when we tell you that the picture above doesn't even begin to capture the bizarre scene we just saw on Hamilton Road in Glen Ridge just a few minutes ago. Hundreds, maybe thousands of black birds were spread over just a few lawns. If we'd seen any film trailers, we might have suspected they were making a picture, but it appears that it was just a brief freak of nature. Any birdwatchers out there who can enlighten us?

    September 30, 2004 in Paranoia Beat, Seen around town | Permalink | Comments (9)

    Banned Books Week

    Bannedbooksweek2004_2Want to be subversive? Read a Harry Potter book to your kid. According to the American Library Association, the Harry Potter series is second on the list of the "Ten Most Challenged Books of 2003." We found this out yesterday at the Montclair Public Library which, in addition to celebrating Ban Books Week through Oct. 2, is celebrating its 100th birthday this year.

    The Ten Most Challenged Books of 2003:

    1. Alice series, for sexual content, using offensive language, and being unsuited to age group.
    2. Harry Potter series, for its focus on wizardry and magic.
    3. "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck, for using offensive language.
    4. "Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture" by Michael A. Bellesiles, for inaccuracy.
    5. "Fallen Angels" by Walter Dean Myers, for racism, sexual content, offensive language, drugs and violence.
    6. "Go Ask Alice" by Anonymous, for drugs.
    7. "It's Perfectly Normal" by Robie Harris, for homosexuality, nudity, sexual content and sex education.
    8. "We All Fall Down" by Robert Cormier, for offensive language and sexual content.
    9. "King and King" by Linda de Haan, for homosexuality.
    10. Bridge to Terabithia" by Katherine Paterson, for offensive language and occult/satanism.

    September 30, 2004 in Controversy | Permalink | Comments (17)

    Show Me the Money

    Fundrace_3 This is even more fun that looking into your neighbors' recycling cans to see who's swilling domestic and who's swilling imported. Go to fundrace.org and find out exactly which of your neighbors have sent money to Kerry, which to Bush, and how much!

    You can be the hit at whatever debate party you go to tonight when you name names. (Tell them you got it at Barista.)

    Barista reader Milo Gwathney gets credit for telling us how to peek into our neighbors' political lives, and not only that, he did the math. According to Gwathney, 63% of the contributions from Glen Ridge went to the Dems, 74% of the contributions in Montclair did and 54% of the money sent from Bloomfield did.

    Here are the links by zip code: 07003, 07028 07042 and 07043.

    September 30, 2004 in A Friend Writes | Permalink | Comments (0)

    daily dish

    September  29

    Important Weather Alert

    The Barista meteorological team issues a sunshine alert in effect in the greater Baristaville area until sundown tonight -- or until a patch of clouds rolls in. Beware of sun glare and impetuous thoughts, and carry sunglasses.

    September 29, 2004 in Brand New | Permalink | Comments (1)

    Restaurant News

    A reliable source tells us that a new Vietnamese restaurant, Little Saigon, is moving to Bloomfield Ave. in Montclair, around the corner from Glenfield School. Not sure whether this is a new incarnation of the Little Saigon that burned down in Nutley a few years ago.

    Fascino, meanwhile, announces its expansion. Maybe now it will be possible to get a reservation there without a note from the Pope.

    September 29, 2004 in Buzz | Permalink | Comments (0)

    And for an Encore, Tourette's Syndrome!

    You've got your 12 Miles West, your Pushcart Players, your Luna Stage, your Alliance Rep, your Studio Playhouse and now.... your newest entrant to Essex County theater scene, The Mental Health Players.

    Yes, if you haven't been spending enough time on the New York City subways and you really need a fix of, say, paranoid schizophrenia, just call The Mental Health Players and they'll put on a show.

    Essex County did, and the Players, who are based in Verona, will be taking their act to county offices, to teach welfare, parks and corrections employees what to do when they see people curled up in the fetal position and calling for Mommy. We know, we know. This is a good program and blah blah blah, but every once in a while we have to ask ourselves WWJSD (What Would Jon Stewart Do?) and we really had no choice.

    September 29, 2004 in Really Freaking Weird | Permalink | Comments (6)

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