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July 27
...serving up your daily dish.
All the kids on the bus were safe, but SUV it collided with yesterday didn't fare so well. The 31-year-old pregnant woman from Butler, who was driving the SUV, was thrown from her car and died. The accident took place on Route 23 as the bus returned from the Y's West Milford day camp. Some 200 children make the trip each day; 18 were treated for minor injuries yesterday.
So Sad.
It is still amazing to me that school busses don't usually have seat belts. I wonder if this one did?
Posted by: Right of Center | Jul 27, 2004 1:12:35 PM
I am a camper that goes to that camp. My friend was on that bus and had minor injuries. Everybody was wearing seatbelts. I heard the bus driver lost consiousness and stopped breathing but is in stable condition and is recovering. Apperently a counseller broke his leg.
Posted by: Friend of bus rider | Jul 27, 2004 8:43:34 PM
What a tragic accident. Our daughter is a bus counselor and lifeguard for the Y camp, and said that they make sure the campers are buckled in on the bus.
Posted by: Nancy | Jul 27, 2004 11:00:53 PM
A little more info -- Apparently the driver who was killed cut the bus off immediately before, and caused the accident. The Y has been reaching out to the campers and families and providing counselling both at the camp and at the Y. There is a counselling session at 7:30 PM at Park St tonight (7/28) open to campers and their families.
Posted by: Mom of camper | Jul 28, 2004 11:37:01 AM
This is a tragic accident but the sentence below explains a lot and unfortunetly, is not that all uncommon with minivan and SUV drivers.
"Apparently the driver who was killed cut the bus off immediately before, and caused the accident."
Posted by: Miss Martta | Jul 30, 2004 8:16:40 AM
I also read in today's Mtc. Times that the woman was not wearing a seatbelt, causing her to be ejected from her vehicle.
Posted by: Miss Martta | Jul 30, 2004 3:33:54 PM
i go to the camp and ive been going 4 so long since i was 6 pratticallly! well mi bus was right behind the bus that got hit nd me my friend and one of the consselours all stared out the window...in shock we didnt no whats going on we didnt get home till 700 cause we were the only buss that stayed..
god bless that family
Posted by: Camper | Aug 8, 2004 3:14:30 PM
This is very tragic news. Nonetheless, it should serve as an important lesson to everyone. Being pregnant makes wearing a seatbelt more delicate, but it's not an excuse not to. We should all be aware of the proper way to wear a seatbelt to lessen these incidents.
Posted by: Liesel Basil | Jan 23, 2012 12:06:38 PM